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 I am thrilled to officially introduce my Signature Trumpet model "Nalbantis"! This instrument was developed with Lechner over the course of 2,5 years. It features a trigger that enables the performer to instantly access all the microtones within a half step. Function very useful not only in eastern music(featured in this videos) but also in contemporary classical music.

My name is Vasilis Nalbantis, i am a trumpet player/composer/producer
and i come from Greece.
Over the years i have studied and played many different genres. But my two biggest loves remain jazz and traditional music of Balkans and East Mediterranean.
So i sought to always combine these two influences in Ellipsis Quintet and HaydeTanz.

In the traditional music of the east Mediterranean we make use of  microtones, so i always played these slight pitch changes by lip bending(as everyone who play this music on trumpet). Although this is an acceptable way of reaching these pitch changes, i started wondering how would could this be done easier, faster and in a more systematic way. The answer was easy: by using a tube that can extend quickly!
I started drawing prototypes exploring where this extending tube would be on the instrument and how it would fit(as well as researching to make sure something like this doesn't already exist!). After a lot of thought and prompting from my friends and fellow musicians i contacted one of the best brass manufacturers in Austria, Lechner Instruments with my idea. Surprisingly i received a positive and enthusiastic answer in a couple of days! Martin(the boss and main instrument maker of the company) was very happy to experiment and develop this kind of trumpet with me. So we got to work!
At first i tried numerous different combinations of leadpipes, bells and valve mechanism to choose my the sound and character of the instrument.
After that was done we got to work on the slide extending mechanism. We went through many designs, materials and placements of the trigger. But finally after many trips to the Lechner workshop, back and forth shipments of the trumpet and a lot of testing we settled on the final instrument!

The trumpet features a trigger attached to the main tunning slide. It has two joints and is curved in such a way to optimize the force delivery to the slide. The diameter of the tubes on the tunning slide is precisely manufactures in order to give the maximum freedom so the slide can move fast with the least amount of air loss. Also the the exterior of the tunning slide tubes as well as the interior of the tube that are in contact with the tunning slide is coated with a special material that ensures a smooth and fast action.
The trumpet features a Meinlschmidt valve mechanism, a detachable Lechner Gold brass bell - 12.5 cm and a normal Lechner Leadpipe. 
The instrument tunes by extending the bell.
The platting on the model i am playing(and strongly recommend), is Gold with small Ruthenium details on the curves of the valves slides and bottom caps, as well as nickel plated top valve caps.

If you want to try the instrument and have question about the price of the instrument please don't hesitate to send me a message!

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